Tuesday, December 15, 2009


1 Find something suitable to write on. Whatever you have on hand is fine. Or you might like to shop for something that makes you feel good about writing inside the pages. Decide what you are going to write with. Just make sure the implement feels comfortable in your hand. Of course, if you prefer, or need to, use a word processor, typewriter, or similar instead.

Choose a time of day to write when you won’t be interrupted by others. This can prove a difficult task. Make a point of being alone to write in your journal. Make sure you have a comfortable place to write. You may enjoy the privacy of your own room for writing, or a busy cafe. Sitting in the same place to write can help you get into the right frame of mind for journal writing.

Date your entry. This may seem a real drag, but this is the only real rule when it comes to keeping a journal. You’ll be amazed just how useful having each entry dated can be.

Start writing. Just write whatever comes to mind. You may need a journal prompt. There are plenty online or use the link provided. There are heaps of prompts in this blog. If you do use the link continue to press the link at the end of each page, Previous Entries, for even more prompts. You may also find the Timed Writing entry useful.

Be creative. Try different techniques, such as lists, collage, drawing, other visual styles, or whatever takes your fancy. Your journal is a place to express your thoughts and emotions. Forget the rules and what others expect. Play with ideas and use your journal for your own benefit.

Stop writing, expressing, or creating at some point. Decide on a time or page limit, when your materials run out or just when you feel you’ve written all that is on your mind.
Reread what you’ve written, if you can. Either read it directly after making the entry or set aside a time to read your past entries. There is much to gain from rereading your journal entries. For more on rereading your journals click here and here.

Make a commitment, to gain some benefit in writing a single entry, but the greater benefits remains in making a habit of writing in your journal.

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